A creature attacking with a breath weapon is actually expelling something from its mouth (rather than conjuring it by means of a spell or some other magical effect). Most creatures with breath weapons are limited to a number of uses per day or by a minimum length of time that must pass between uses. Such creatures are usually smart enough to save their breath weapon until they really need it.
• Using a breath weapon is typically a standard action.
• No attack roll is necessary. The breath simply fills its stated area.
• Any character caught in the area must make the appropriate saving throw or suffer the breath weapon's full effect. In many cases, a character who succeeds on his saving throw still takes half damage or some other reduced effect.
• Breath weapons are supernatural abilities except where noted.
• Creatures are immune to their own breath weapons.
• Creatures unable to breathe can still use breath weapons. (The term is something of a misnomer.)
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Dragon Disciple
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