d20 SRD
Carrying, Movement, & Exploration
Carrying Capacity
- Encumbrance rules determine how much a character's armor and equipment slow him or her down.
- There are three movement scales, as follows.
Core Mechanics
Ability Scores
The Abilities
- Each ability partially describes your character and affects some of his or her actions.
The Basics
Alignment Traits
- Some planes have a predisposition to a certain alignment.
Elemental And Energy Traits
- Four basic elements and two types of energy together make up everything.
How Planes Interact
Magic Traits
- A plane's magic trait describes how magic works on the plane compared to how it works on the Material Plane.
Physical Traits
- The two most important natural laws set by physical traits are how gravity works and how time passes.
Planar Traits
- Each plane of existence has its own properties-the natural laws of its universe.
Plane Descriptions
What Is A Plane?
- The planes of existence are different realities with interwoven connections.
Special Abilities & Conditions
- If more than one condition affects a character, apply them all.
Special Abilities
- A special ability is either extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural in nature.
Designing A Trap
Elements Of A Trap
- All traps-mechanical or magic-have the following elements: trigger, reset,...
Magic Traps
- Many spells can be used to create dangerous traps. Unless the spell or...
Mechanical Traps
- Dungeons are frequently equipped with deadly mechanical (nonmagical) traps.
Sample Traps
- The costs listed for mechanical traps are market prices; those for magic traps are raw material costs.
Types Of Traps
- A trap can be either mechanical or magic in nature.
Monsters With Treasure
- Every monster has a treasure rating (indicating how much treasure it has, although for some creatures the rating is "None").
Table: Mundane Items
Wilderness, Weather, & Environment
Dungeon Terrain
The Environment
- Environmental hazards specific to one kind of terrain (such as an avalanche,...
Types Of Dungeons
- The four basic dungeon types are defined by their current status.
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