Spell Failure

If a caster ever tries to cast a spell in conditions where the characteristics of the spell (range, area, and so forth) cannot be made to conform, the effort fails and the spell is wasted.
Spells also fail if the caster's concentration is broken. Arcane spells (but not divine spells) might fail if the character is wearing armor while casting a spell that has a somatic component.
Find topic in: Arcana, Characters, Creatures, Magic
ComponentsMage ArmorShield
msrd d20 msrd mrd Failure Magic srd Basics MRD Fx roleplaying MRD modern Spell msrd msrd modern srd d20 rpg rpg MRD mrd modern Basics Spell modern msrd Failure modern msrd 3.5 Fx msrd Failure Magic 3.5 Magic rpg mrd Magic roleplaying Spell d20 Fx mrd 3.5