The following equipment is available at PL 7 and later.
Chemical, Biocort
Biocort is a unique chemical compound that enhances the human body's natural ability to heal. Biocort pushes the immune system into overdrive, and can cause the character to heal from grievous wounds at a greatly increased rate. Any character injected with biocort heals at twice the normal rate for a 24-hour period.
Galpos Device
The GalPos device is the Gravity Age equivalent of the GPS system of the modern era. Equipped with star charts and a link to the galactic satellite network, the GalPos device (known also as a GPD) triangulates its own position based on distance between satellite relays and its knowledge of stellar cartography. If the GalPos is taken to a region of space where it cannot contact the galactic satellite network, or to a region of space not included in its star charts, it does not function. Otherwise, the GPD can be used to indicate what planet the is on, or what star system she is in (if not on a planet).
A GalPos device with the satellite uplink gadget can function as a GPS receiver on worlds where such systems are available.
Grappling Tether
Replacing duracable and the grappling tag, the grappling tether is another application of gravity technology put to practical use. The grappling tether is a beam of pure gravity energy, up to 200 feet in length, fired from a metal tube. At the end of the tether is an anchor of intense gravity. When the anchor touches a solid object, it latches on with a grip that can only be broken by an equally strong anti-gravity force.
While the tube is held with the anchor attached to an object, the user can retract the tether to either pull the object to her (if the object is smaller in mass than the character), or pull herself to the object (if the object is greater in mass than the user, or the anchor is attached to a wall, ceiling, or other fixed surface). The anchor is released with a simple push of a button.
Piercing Visor
The piercing visor allows a person to see through solid objects. Through a combination motion-sensor data, gravity fluctuations, ambient light penetration, x-rays and ultraviolet light, heat and infrared signatures, sound waves and sonar, and other sensory inputs, the visor creates an accurate computer-rendered image of what lies beyond intervening objects. Any character wearing a piercing visor may, as an attack action, activate the visor's sensors and see through a wall, floor, object, or creature at a range of up to 100 feet.
The visor can penetrate 6 inches of metal (except lead, which it cannot see through) and 1 foot of other materials, including concrete, wood, and plaster.
Power Backpack
The power backpack is essentially a portable generator. While worn, the power backpack can replace the power packs used by laser and plasma weapons, granting an infinite supply of ammunition while attached. Additionally, the power backpack can provide energy to almost any device requiring electrical power.
Projectile Deflector
A defensive item that is in many ways the predecessor to the personal shield, the projectile deflector generates a field of gravity-altering energy around its user. Often worn as a belt or other piece of jewelry, the device actually bends the path of incoming high-speed projectiles, making the target harder to hit. The projectile deflector grants a +4 equipment bonus to Defense against ranged attacks. Melee attacks are unaffected by this device.
Sensor, Armacomp
The armacomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate weapons of all types. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for weapons. Additionally, the armacomp sensor's advanced data on weapons of all types makes it a valuable resource when repairing weapons, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made on weapons. This does not include explosives and other demolitions devices, which are covered under the democomp sensor.
Sensor, Democomp
The democomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate explosives of all types. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for explosives. Additionally, the democomp sensor's advanced data on explosives of all types makes it a valuable resource when planting them, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Demolitions and Disable Device checks made involving explosives.
Sensor, Electricomp
The electricomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate electronic devices of all types, including computers. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for electronics of a specific type. Additionally, the electricomp sensor's advanced data on electronics of all types makes it a valuable resource when repairing computers and other electronics, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made on them. Additionally, the electricomp can be used to identify any flaws in cybernetics.
Sensor, Mechanicomp
The mechanicomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to assist in the evaluation and repairs of mechanical devices. The mechanicomp can identify a vehicle's, starship's, or mecha's current and maximum hit points. Additionally, thanks to the mechanicomp's extensive library of mechanical blueprints, any repairs made using the mechanicomp as a reference are more efficient, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made to vehicles, starships, and mecha.
Sensor, Medicomp
The mechanicomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to assist in the evaluation and healing of the human body. The medicomp can identify a creature's current and maximum hit points. Additionally, thanks to the medicomp's extensive library of medical records and biological knowledge, any treatments administered using the medicomp as a reference are more efficient, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Treat Injury checks.
Table: Progress Level 7 Equipment
Purchase DC
Chemical and Medical Equipment
Chemical, biocort
Miscellaneous Equipment
GalPos device
3 lb.
Grappling tether
2 lb.
Piercing visor
1 lb.
Mil (+3)
Power backpack
3 lb.
Projectile deflector
0.5 lb.
Lic (+1)
Sensor Equipment
Sensor, armacomp
1 lb.
Sensor, democomp
1 lb.
Lic (+1)
Sensor, electricomp
1 lb.
Sensor, mechanicomp
1 lb.
Sensor, medicomp
1 lb.
Lic (+1)