Skill Checks - Unlike with attack rolls and saving throws, a natural roll of 20 on the...
Skill Synergy - Sometimes, the GM may decide that having one skill provides a bonus when a character uses another skill in certain situations.
Taking 10 - When a character is not being threatened or distracted, he or she may choose to take 10.
Taking 20 - When a character has plenty of time, is faced with no threats or distractions,...
Time And Skill Checks - Using a skill might take a round, several rounds, or even longer.
Tools - Some skill applications require the use of tools. If tools are needed,...
Trying Again - If a character fails on a skill check, he or she can sometimes try again.
Untrained Skill Checks - Generally, if a character attempts to use a skill he or she doesn't have...
Using Skills - To make a skill check, roll: 1d20 + skill modifier ( Skill modifier = skill ranks + ability modifier + miscellaneous modifiers)
Ability Modifier - The ability modifier used in the skill check is the modifier for the skill's...
Miscellaneous Modifiers - Miscellaneous modifiers include bonuses provided by feats and class features,...
Skill Ranks - A character's ranks in a skill is based on the number of skill points the character has invested in the skill.
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