Surface Vehicle Operation

Select a class of surface vehicle (heavy wheeled, powerboat, sailboat, ship, or tracked). The character is proficient at operating that class of vehicle.
The heavy wheeled class includes all kinds of semi-trucks and tractor-trailers, as well as wheeled construction ve-hicles (such as earth movers) and wheeled armored vehicles (such as some armored personnel carriers). Powerboats are engine-powered water vessels designed for operation by a single person and usually no more than 100 feet in length. Sailboats are wind-powered water vessels. Ships are large, multicrewed water vessels. Tracked vehicles include bulldozers and tanks and other military vehicles.
Prerequisite: Drive 4 ranks.
Benefit: The character takes no penalty on Drive checks or attack rolls made when operating a surface vehicle of the selected class.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a -4 penalty on Drive checks made to operate a surface vehicle that falls under any of these classes, and to attacks made with vehicle weapons. There is no penalty when you operate a general-purpose surface vehicle.
Special: A character can gain this feat as many as five times. Each time the character takes the feat, he or she selects a different class of surface vehicle.
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Feats mrd MRD srd Surface Surface mrd modern MRD Surface 3.5 MRD d20 MRD mrd wizards Surface roleplaying msrd Characters Surface 3.5 d20 rpg rpg d20 Operation srd Vehicle srd srd Operation rpg wizards d20 Operation roleplaying MRD msrd wizards 3.5 modern