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Benefit: The deity can perform any of the following in a radius of one mile per divine rank around the deity, at will, as a full-round action.
• Create or quell winds to produce anything from still air to tornado force winds.
• Set the temperature anywhere from -50°F to 120°F.
• Shake the earth, as the earthquake spell.
• Create rain, sleet, hail, snow, or thunderstorms.
These effects last as long as the deity concentrates and for up to 1 minute per divine rank afterward. The deity can end an effect as a free action.
Suggested Portfolio Elements: Nature, sea, weather.
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roleplaying wizards Divine dnd Power d20 Feats roleplaying wizards dnd & wizards Divine rpg srd SRD wizards d20 roleplaying dragons SRD Abilities 3.5 Feats rpg SRD Salient wizards 3.5 dnd wizards Of Divine rpg Power roleplaying d20 3.5 Power 3.5 & srd Feats