Actions - Part 2

character first best effectively other 8 perform 2 say 0 1 remember also quickened 5 collapse conditions leave psionics hand inc activate chance resembles co colleague shares week her resist score use century step skip isn might none 3rd save immediately sneaking very sufficiently trip determined he take many surprise full play usually attack reduced what are defensive you rarely acts provokes how page charge see farmhouse however really kinds handbook took hear items nonactions because variant or whenever apply across of characters someone several on still only hit two falls matter main there listen free ll his both opportunity list it for if takes in spell succeed being foe creature such feature probably make able no attention spot penny likewise our its don believe point specifics checks anytime unconscious cannot hurt designer intervening 144 verbal own one since architect leaving garden have detail invisible physical resisting said fate then should busy speaking considered they cast reasonably albeit category but foot involvement aid before attacks be resistance common nonaction unlike making go cases moment opposed completing all reflex concentration number deaths act know true swift do years dm total devising with keeps decide withdraw else friends like than as anything any disabled specific at and expanded never check an tried magazine next freelance game them dexterity just paralyzed casting occur about strict battlefield time companies player part limited earlier penalty depends space last nature generally worth single attacker few purposes tell points favors these overview putters reserved aren danger repairing grappled unless where chief fall discuss ph positive growing relevant threaten ready that follows speak circumstances deals cure deaf noted damage sage new allow notes function immediate rather look complete escape consider shown foil little dragon current begin limits williams helpless introduced otherwise action hasbro after wraps this people hidden cease wizards prone rights relatives ability deer turn three your the dying requires must something makes aggressive pets rabbits component interrupt examine here general rules acting exception wounds edition using represents projects item basically dropping doubt expect from actions during can accompany nor gains so not guide strenuous another miraculous most kitchen limit effective table effort least pg until grapple four noting coast armed simultaneously similar 2006 drop petrified up manual wife some by 1995 stunned s move old improving tripped permitting blind re though categories could kind a 4 gives example reactive monster menagerie we device lurks even author t obvious magic defender condition while subsidiary taking sentences works d to may activity standard assume cruel light provoke prevent avoiding is was into when options hardly incur different round words